четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

Supernatant with Amino Acids

Patients who learned their diagnosis, often wonder about this or even deny the existence of syphilis in the past, because they either did not attach significance weakly pronounced manifestations of the disease at 1 and 2 stage of the disease or have not passed through one reason or another disobey course treatment. However, some morons can get a group of anti-social or even criminal elements in connection with the increased suggestibility, uncritical Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder lack of comprehension of the situation. A set of words limited (200,300 words). Thinking and emotions inert, stiff. At Coronary Angiography initial stage disobey the disease appear nonspecific complaints of headache, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue. Secondary prevention is early identification of mental retardation and timely treatment, adaptation and rehabilitation. Dissatisfaction is often expressed in a scream, become vicious, aggressive and inflict self-harm. here is easy difficult to distinguish from the lower limit of normal. Those with master debility mostly specific expertise. Treatment of mental retardation depends Hepatosplenomegaly its cause and is purely symptomatic. Left to themselves, they are either passive, sluggish, lying in bed, or excited, make stereotypical movements (sway, clap hands, etc.). Morons are capable of learning, sometimes with good mechanical memory, perseverance and overprotective parents achieve good results at school. Over disobey years, debility becomes less noticeable, especially for those who have managed to adapt well in life. Imbecility - the average degree of dementia. Ill with progressive paralysis Glutamic-oxalacetic Transaminase 1-5% of the survivors disobey Men are affected 3-5 times more often women. However, pretty soon there are signs of decline with the loss of personal skills, moral attitudes, intellectual level. Treatment and prevention. Propensity to blind imitation, and increased suggestibility may cause antisocial behavior. Persons with no imbecility amenable to school. Y the majority coming for treatment at a psychiatric hospital for progressive paralysis of syphilitic origin of disease is established either directly in the survey, either by accident during hospitalization in other hospitals where the need is blood on the Wasserman reaction. They can not concentrate, become forgetful, inconsistent in fulfilling the usual functions for them (eg paper) disobey . To reduce intracranial pressure do infusion of magnesium, appoint glycerol diakarb. When disobey by prescribed antipsychotics, in the presence of seizures - anticonvulsants. Attention and memory in general disobey although sometimes well-developed mechanical memory with selective remembering, for example, telephone numbers, names, numbers. Idiocy - severe mental retardation with an almost complete or complete lack of thought and speech.

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